Halo UV-ST - Excellent Carpet Disinfectent - Excellent Carpet Cleaning • Kills dust mites and invisible germs without chemicals • High-output powerful motor • True HEPA Filtration • Accessories: 13 Foot detachable hose, crevice tool, dusting brush • 31 foot power cord • Five level height adjuster for all carpet heights • Includes 3 Extra Large Vacuum Bags $499 |
Halo UVX - Excellent Carpet Disinfectent - Normal Carpet Cleaning • Kills dust mites and invisible germs without chemicals • HEPA filtration • Telescoping handle • Electronic height adjustment • Beltless system • Includes 5 normal vacuum bags $399 |
The new Halo UV-ST features a more powerful motor, larger bag capacity, accessories and the same powerful UV Technology!
• Carpets contain the highest concentration of allergens in the home, including molds, bacteria, viruses and dust mites.
• The most common indoor allergen that triggers symptoms in humans is the house dust mite.
• About half of all homes have sufficient dust mite allergens to trigger allergy symptoms, while approximately a quarter of all homes have sufficient dust mite allergens to trigger asthma symptoms.
• No existing commercial product – including vacuums – effectively disinfects and kills the dust mites, molds, bacteria and viruses present within carpeting.
• UV light in the “C” spectrum (UVC) deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses, germs, molds, fungal spores, and other pathogens and micro-organisms, and thus destroys their ability to multiply.
• UVC light (known as “germicidal light”) has safely been used to disinfect and sanitize drinking water, hospitals and food production facilities for more than 60 years.
• The Halo Vacuum is the first and only vacuum that can disinfect carpeting and other surfaces.
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